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"openQuoteFee": 0 }, "DOGE/USDT": { "limitVolumeMin": 1, "symbol": "dogeusdt", "showName": "DOGE/USDT", "marketBuyMin": 0.00071792, "is_grid_open": 0, "multiple": 3, "isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 1, "sort": 24, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 0, "depth": "0.00001,0.0001,0.001", "price": 5, "IsMine": "0", "name": "DOGE/USDT", "limitPriceMin": 0.00071792, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 }, "MATIC/USDT": { "limitVolumeMin": 0.1, "symbol": "maticusdt", "showName": "MATIC/USDT", "marketBuyMin": 0.0001, "is_grid_open": 0, "multiple": 3, "isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 0.1, "sort": 26, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 1, "depth": "0.0001,0.001,0.01", "price": 4, "IsMine": "0", "name": "MATIC/USDT", "limitPriceMin": 0.0001, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 }, "TRX/USDT": { "limitVolumeMin": 0.01, "symbol": "trxusdt", 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"isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 0.001, "sort": 34, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 3, "depth": "0.01,0.1,1", "price": 2, "IsMine": "0", "name": "BCH/USDT", "limitPriceMin": 24.671, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 }, "LTC/USDT": { "limitVolumeMin": 0.0001, "symbol": "ltcusdt", "showName": "LTC/USDT", "marketBuyMin": 1, "is_grid_open": 0, "multiple": 3, "isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 0.0001, "sort": 39, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 4, "depth": "0.01,0.1,1", "price": 2, "IsMine": "0", "name": "LTC/USDT", "limitPriceMin": 1, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 } }, "USDC": { "BTC/USDC": { "limitVolumeMin": 0.000001, "symbol": "btcusdc", "showName": "BTC/USDC", "marketBuyMin": 1, "is_grid_open": 0, "multiple": 3, "isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 0.000001, "sort": 5, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 6, "depth": "0.01,0.1,1", "price": 2, "IsMine": "0", "name": "BTC/USDC", "limitPriceMin": 5000, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 }, "ETH/USDC": { "limitVolumeMin": 0.0001, "symbol": "ethusdc", "showName": "ETH/USDC", "marketBuyMin": 1, "is_grid_open": 0, "multiple": 3, "isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 0.0001, "sort": 10, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 4, "depth": "0.01,0.1,1", "price": 2, "IsMine": "0", "name": "ETH/USDC", "limitPriceMin": 17.89, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 } }, "DAI": { "BTC/DAI": { "limitVolumeMin": 0.000001, "symbol": "btcdai", "showName": "BTC/DAI", "marketBuyMin": 1e-8, "is_grid_open": 0, "multiple": 3, "isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 0.000001, "sort": 6, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 6, "depth": "0.01,0.1,1", "price": 2, "IsMine": "0", "name": "BTC/DAI", "limitPriceMin": 5000, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 }, "ETH/DAI": { "limitVolumeMin": 0.01, "symbol": "ethdai", "showName": "ETH/DAI", "marketBuyMin": 1, "is_grid_open": 0, "multiple": 3, "isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 0.01, "sort": 11, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 2, "depth": "0.01,0.1,1", "price": 2, "IsMine": "0", "name": "ETH/DAI", "limitPriceMin": 17.89, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 } }, "TUSD": { "BTC/TUSD": { "limitVolumeMin": 0.00001, "symbol": "btctusd", "showName": "BTC/TUSD", "marketBuyMin": 1, "is_grid_open": 0, "multiple": 3, "isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 0.00001, "sort": 7, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 6, "depth": "0.01,0.1,1", "price": 2, "IsMine": "0", "name": "BTC/TUSD", "limitPriceMin": 5000, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 }, "ETH/TUSD": { "limitVolumeMin": 0.01, "symbol": "ethtusd", "showName": "ETH/TUSD", "marketBuyMin": 17.89, "is_grid_open": 0, "multiple": 3, "isOnlyHoldShow": 0, "IsST": 0, "marketSellMin": 0.01, "sort": 12, "etfOpen": 0, "quoteFeeRate": 0.001, "newcoinFlag": 0, "isShow": 1, "volume": 2, "depth": "0.01,0.1,1", "price": 2, "IsMine": "0", "name": "ETH/TUSD", "limitPriceMin": 17.89, "IsLimitPlat": "0", "is_open_lever": 1, "openQuoteFee": 0 } } }, "is_open_bigDeal": true, "index_international_open": 0, "templateLayoutType": "1", "indexHeaderTitle": { "el_GR": "BlueBit, Where Ethic Leads, Successful Trades follow.", "ru_RU": "BlueBit, Where Ethic Leads, Successful Trades follow.", "ko_KR": "BlueBit, Where Ethic Leads, Successful Trades follow.", "en_US": "BlueBit, Where Ethic Leads, Successful Trades follow.", "vi_VN": "BlueBit, Where Ethic Leads, Successful Trades follow.", "zh_CN": "BlueBit, Where Ethic Leads, Successful Trades follow.", "mn_MN": "BlueBit, Where Ethic Leads, Successful Trades follow.", "ja_JP": "BlueBit, Where Ethic Leads, Successful Trades follow." }, "coinSymbolIntroduce": [ { "publishTime": 1230739200000, "currencyAmount": "19.55M", "mtime": 1701243200000, "publishAmount": "21.00M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2009/01/01", "coinSymbol": "BTC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701243200000, "id": 1, "shortName": "BTC", "introduction": "Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency originally described in a 2008 whitepaper by a person, or group of people, using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. It was launched soon after, in January 2009.Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer online currency, meaning that all transactions happen directly between equal, independent network participants, without the need for any intermediary to permit or facilitate them. Bitcoin was created, according to Nakamoto’s own words, to allow “online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.”Some concepts for a similar type of a decentralized electronic currency precede BTC, but Bitcoin holds the distinction of being the first-ever cryptocurrency to come into actual use.", "longName": "Bitcoin" }, { "publishTime": 1435680000000, "currencyAmount": "120.24M", "mtime": 1701243555000, "publishAmount": "", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2015/07/01", "coinSymbol": "ETH", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701243555000, "id": 2, "shortName": "ETH", "introduction": "Ethereum is a decentralized open-source blockchain system that features its own cryptocurrency, Ether. ETH works as a platform for numerous other cryptocurrencies, as well as for the execution of decentralized smart contracts.Ethereum was first described in a 2013 whitepaper by Vitalik Buterin. Buterin, along with other co-founders, secured funding for the project in an online public crowd sale in the summer of 2014. The project team managed to raise $18.3 million in Bitcoin, and Ethereum’s price in the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) was $0.311, with over 60 million Ether sold. Taking Ethereum’s price now, this puts the return on investment (ROI) at an annualized rate of over 270%, essentially almost quadrupling your investment every year since the summer of 2014.The Ethereum Foundation officially launched the blockchain on July 30, 2015, under the prototype codenamed “Frontier.” Since then, there has been several network updates — “Constantinople” on Feb. 28, 2019, “Istanbul” on Dec. 8, 2019, “Muir Glacier” on Jan. 2, 2020, “Berlin” on April 14, 2021, and most recently on Aug. 5, 2021, the “London” hard fork.Ethereum’s own purported goal is to become a global platform for decentralized applications, allowing users from all over the world to write and run software that is resistant to censorship, downtime and fraud.", "longName": "Ethereum" }, { "publishTime": 1572537600000, "currencyAmount": "5.34B", "mtime": 1701682629000, "publishAmount": "", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2019/11/01", "coinSymbol": "DAI", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701682629000, "id": 5, "shortName": "DAI", "introduction": "DAI is an Ethereum-based stablecoin (stable-price cryptocurrency) whose issuance and development is managed by the Maker Protocol and the MakerDAO decentralized autonomous organization.The price of DAI is soft-pegged to the U.S. dollar and is collateralized by a mix of other cryptocurrencies that are deposited into smart-contract vaults every time new DAI is minted.It is important to differentiate between Multi-Collateral DAI and Single-Collateral DAI (SAI), an earlier version of the token that could only be collateralized by a single cryptocurrency; SAI also doesn’t support the DAI Savings Rate, which allows users to earn savings by holding DAI tokens.Multi-Collateral DAI was launched in November 2019.Dai is the second-largest decentralized stablecoin by market capitalization, having been flipped recently by Terra’s native stablecoin — UST. Both are backed by cryptocurrencies and pegged to the Dollar, while the top stablecoins like USDT, USDC and BUSD are backed by traditional assets such as cash, corporate bonds, U.S. treasuries and commercial papers (which has come under increased scrutiny in the case of USDT). So what exactly is Dai backed by? The Dai stablecoin is a collateral-based cryptocurrency soft-pegged to the U.S. dollar. Users generate Dai by depositing crypto-assets into Maker Vaults on the Maker Protocol. Users can access Maker Protocol and create Vaults through Oasis Borrow or other interfaces built by the community. On Oasis Borrow, users can lock in collateral such as ETH, WBTC, LINK, UNI, YFI, MANA, MATIC and more. Users can then borrow against their collateral in Dai, as long as it is within the collateral ratio, which ranges from 101% to 175%, depending on the risk level of the asset locked.", "longName": "Dai Stablecoin" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "2.95B", "mtime": 1701682841000, "publishAmount": "", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "TUSD", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701682841000, "id": 6, "shortName": "TUSD", "introduction": "TUSD is the first digital asset with live on-chain attestations by independent third-party institutions and is backed 1:1 with the U.S. dollar (USD). So far, it has been listed on more than 100 trading platforms such as Binance and Huobi and is live on 12 mainstream public chains, including Ethereum, TRON, Avalanche, BSC, Fantom, and Polygon.TrueUSD is attested to in real-time by an independent, industry-specialized accounting firm in the U.S., to ensure the 1:1 ratio of its USD reserve to the circulating token supply and the 100% collateral rate. With the integration of Chainlink PoR, TrueUSD becomes the first USD-Backed stablecoin to secure minting and further ensure transparency and reliability. Users can access the relevant data via the official website at any time. TUSD is granted statutory status as authorized digital currency and medium of exchange in the Commonwealth of Dominica, a country in the Caribbean, effective on October 7th 2022.", "longName": "TrueUSD" }, { "publishTime": 1338480000000, "currencyAmount": "53.88B", "mtime": 1701683047000, "publishAmount": "99.98B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2012/06/01", "coinSymbol": "XRP", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701683047000, "id": 7, "shortName": "XRP", "introduction": "Launched in 2021, the XRP Ledger (XRPL) is an open-source, permissionless and decentralized technology. Benefits of the XRP Ledger include its low-cost ($0.0002 to transact), speed (settling transactions in 3-5 seconds), scalability (1,500 transactions per second) and inherently green attributes (carbon-neutral and energy-efficient). The XRP Ledger also features the first decentralized exchange (DEX) and custom tokenization capabilities built into the protocol. Since 2012, the XRP Ledger has been operating reliably, having closed 70 million ledgers.The XRP Ledger presents a wide variety of applications and use cases related to payments including micropayments, DeFi, and, soon, NFTs. Deployed in 2012, the XRPL supports enterprises and Python, Java and JavaScript developers with powerful utility and flexibility. On the XRP website, developers can access different tutorials to help them get started using different coding languages, building apps, managing accounts and more.Alongside its native coin, XRP, the XRP Ledger is used by developers to create solutions that solve inefficiencies, including remittance and asset tokenization. Currently, the five main applications of the XRP Ledger are payments, tokenization, DeFi, CBDCs and stablecoins.", "longName": "Ripple" }, { "publishTime": 1498838400000, "currencyAmount": "", "mtime": 1701683212000, "publishAmount": "151.69M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2017/07/01", "coinSymbol": "BNB", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701683212000, "id": 8, "shortName": "BNB", "introduction": "Launched in July 2017, Binance is the biggest cryptocurrency exchange globally based on daily trading volume. Binance aims to bring cryptocurrency exchanges to the forefront of financial activity globally. The idea behind Binance’s name is to show this new paradigm in global finance — Binary Finance, or Binance.Aside from being the largest cryptocurrency exchange globally, Binance has launched a whole ecosystem of functionalities for its users. The Binance network includes the Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Binance Academy, Trust Wallet and Research projects, which all employ the powers of blockchain technology to bring new-age finance to the world. BNB is an integral part of the successful functioning of many of the Binance sub-projects.Initially, the BNB started as a traditional ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. Later on, the company introduced its own blockchain, and the tokens started being issued from the Binance blockchain, secured by the Tendermint byzantine-fault-tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanism.While ERC-20 tokens rely on the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus, which allows them to be extremely scalable, and allows for the creation of smart contracts. Unlike PoS, the Binance blockchain does not support smart contract functionalities. In contrast, the Bitcoin blockchain is secured by the proof-of-work (PoW) consensus, which is far more limited and consumes large amounts of electrical and computing power.", "longName": "BNB" }, { "publishTime": 1483200000000, "currencyAmount": "35.30B", "mtime": 1701683325000, "publishAmount": "45.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2017/01/01", "coinSymbol": "ADA", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701683325000, "id": 9, "shortName": "ADA", "introduction": "Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform that says its goal is to allow “changemakers, innovators and visionaries” to bring about positive global change.To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of Cardano.The open-source project also aims to “redistribute power from unaccountable structures to the margins to individuals” — helping to create a society that is more secure, transparent and fair.Cardano was founded back in 2017, and named after the 16th century Italian polymath Gerolamo Cardano. The native ADA token takes its name from the 19th century mathematician Ada Lovelace, widely regarded as the world’s first computer programmer. The ADA token is designed to ensure that owners can participate in the operation of the network. Because of this, those who hold the cryptocurrency have the right to vote on any proposed changes to the software.The team behind the layered blockchain say that there have already been some compelling use cases for its technology, which aims to allow decentralized apps and smart contracts to be developed with modularity.In August 2021, Charles Hoskinson announced the launch of the Alonzo hard fork, causing Cardano price to surge, gaining 116% in the following month. On Sept. 12, 2021, the Cardano ‘Alonzo’ hard fork officially launched, bringing smart contract functionality to the blockchain. Over 100 smart contracts were deployed in the following 24 hours after the launch.Cardano is used by agricultural companies to track fresh produce from field to fork, while other products built on the platform allow educational credentials to be stored in a tamper-proof way, and retailers to clamp down on counterfeit goods.", "longName": "Cardano" }, { "publishTime": 1582992000000, "currencyAmount": "424.33M", "mtime": 1701683460000, "publishAmount": "564.01M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2020/03/01", "coinSymbol": "SOL", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701683460000, "id": 10, "shortName": "SOL", "introduction": "Solana is a highly functional open source project that banks on blockchain technology’s permissionless nature to provide decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. While the idea and initial work on the project began in 2017, Solana was officially launched in March 2020 by the Solana Foundation with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.The Solana protocol is designed to facilitate decentralized app (DApp) creation. It aims to improve scalability by introducing a proof-of-history (PoH) consensus combined with the underlying proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus of the blockchain.Because of the innovative hybrid consensus model, Solana enjoys interest from small-time traders and institutional traders alike. A significant focus for the Solana Foundation is to make decentralized finance accessible on a larger scale.One of the essential innovations Solana brings to the table is the proof-of-history (PoH) consensus developed by Anatoly Yakovenko. This concept allows for greater scalability of the protocol, which in turn boosts usability.Solana is known in the cryptocurrency space because of the incredibly short processing times the blockchain offers. Solana’s hybrid protocol allows for significantly decreased validation times for both transaction and smart contract execution. With lightning-fast processing times, Solana has attracted a lot of institutional interest as well.The Solana protocol is intended to serve both small-time users and enterprise customers alike. One of Solana’s main promises to customers is that they will not be surprised by increased fees and taxes. The protocol is designed in such a way as to have low transaction costs while still guaranteeing scalability and fast processing.", "longName": "Solana" }, { "publishTime": 1385827200000, "currencyAmount": "142.00B", "mtime": 1701683641000, "publishAmount": "142.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2013/12/01", "coinSymbol": "DOGE", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701683641000, "id": 11, "shortName": "DOGE", "introduction": "Dogecoin (DOGE) is based on the popular "doge" Internet meme and features a Shiba Inu on its logo. The open-source digital currency was created by Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon and Jackson Palmer from Sydney, Australia, and was forked from Litecoin in December 2013. Dogecoin''s creators envisaged it as a fun, light-hearted cryptocurrency that would have greater appeal beyond the core Bitcoin audience, since it was based on a dog meme. Tesla CEO Elon Musk posted several tweets on social media that Dogecoin is his favorite coin.Dogecoin has been used primarily as a tipping system on Reddit and Twitter to reward the creation or sharing of quality content. You can get tipped Dogecoin by participating in a community that uses the digital currency, or you can get your Dogecoin from a Dogecoin faucet. A Dogecoin faucet is a website that will give you a small amount of Dogecoin for free as an introduction to the currency, so that you can begin interacting in Dogecoin communities", "longName": "Dogecoin" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "9.27B", "mtime": 1701683828000, "publishAmount": "10.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "MATIC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701683828000, "id": 12, "shortName": "Matic", "introduction": "Polygon (previously Matic Network) is the first well-structured, easy-to-use platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building multiple types of applications.To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of Polygon Matic.Using Polygon, one can create optimistic rollup chains, ZK rollup chains, stand alone chains or any other kind of infra required by the developer.Polygon effectively transforms Ethereum into a full-fledged multi-chain system (aka Internet of Blockchains). This multi-chain system is akin to other ones such as Polkadot, Cosmos, Avalanche etc. with the advantages of Ethereum’s security, vibrant ecosystem and openness.The $MATIC token will continue to exist and will play an increasingly important role, securing the system and enabling governance.Polygon (formerly Matic Network) is a Layer 2 scaling solution backed by Binance and Coinbase. The project seeks to stimulate mass adoption of cryptocurrencies by resolving the problems of scalability on many blockchains.Polygon combines the Plasma Framework and the proof-of-stake blockchain architecture. The Plasma framework used by Polygon as proposed by the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, allows for the easy execution of scalable and autonomous smart contracts.Nothing will change for the existing ecosystem built on the Plasma-POS chain. With Polygon, new features are being built around the existing proven technology to expand the ability to cater to diverse needs from the developer ecosystem. Polygon will continue to develop the core technology so that it can scale to a larger ecosystem.Polygon boasts of up to 65,000 transactions per second on a single side chain, along with a respectable block confirmation time of less than two seconds. The framework also allows for the creation of globally available decentralized financial applications on a single foundational blockchain.", "longName": "Polygon" }, { "publishTime": 1483200000000, "currencyAmount": "88.51B", "mtime": 1701684028000, "publishAmount": "88.51B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2017/01/01", "coinSymbol": "TRX", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701684028000, "id": 13, "shortName": "TRX", "introduction": "TRON (TRX) is a decentralized blockchain-based operating system developed by the Tron Foundation and launched in 2017. Originally TRX tokens were ERC-20-based tokens deployed on Ethereum, but a year later they were moved to their own network.Initially, the project was created with the aim of providing full ownership rights to makers of digital content. The main goal is to help content creators (who receive only a small part of the income) and encourage them with more rewards for their work. How: invite content consumers to reward content makers directly (without intermediaries like YouTube, Facebook or Apple).The TRON software supports smart contracts, various kinds of blockchain systems, and decentralized applications aka dApps. The cryptocurrency platform uses a transaction model similar to Bitcoin (BTC), namely UTXO. Transactions take place in a public ledger, where users can track the history of operations.Therefore, the platform was built to create a decentralized Internet and serves as a tool for developers to create dApps, acting as an alternative to Ethereum. Anyone can create dApps on the TRON network, offer content, and in return receive digital assets as compensation for their efforts. The ability to create content and share it openly without hesitation regarding transaction fees is an undeniable advantage of TRON.", "longName": "Tron" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "599.00T", "mtime": 1701684335000, "publishAmount": "599.00T", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "QOM", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701684335000, "id": 14, "shortName": "QOM", "introduction": "Qom is the Shiba Predator. only buy, never sell. We will Flip Shiba", "longName": "Shiba Predator" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "1.25B", "mtime": 1701684492000, "publishAmount": "1.38B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "DOT", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701684492000, "id": 15, "shortName": "DOT", "introduction": "Polkadot is an open-source sharded multichain protocol that connects and secures a network of specialized blockchains, facilitating cross-chain transfer of any data or asset types, not just tokens, thereby allowing blockchains to be interoperable with each other. Polkadot was designed to provide a foundation for a decentralized internet of blockchains, also known as Web3.Polkadot is known as a layer-0 metaprotocol because it underlies and describes a format for a network of layer 1 blockchains known as parachains (parallel chains). As a metaprotocol, Polkadot is also capable of autonomously and forklessly updating its own codebase via on-chain governance according to the will of its token holder community.Polkadot provides a foundation to support a decentralized web, controlled by its users, and to simplify the creation of new applications, institutions and services.The Polkadot protocol can connect public and private chains, permissionless networks, oracles and future technologies, allowing these independent blockchains to trustlessly share information and transactions through the Polkadot Relay Chain (explained further down).Polkadot’s native DOT token serves three clear purposes: staking for operations and security, facilitating network governance, and bonding tokens to connect parachains .Polkadot has four core components:Relay Chain: Polkadot’s “heart,” helping to create consensus, interoperability and shared security across the network of different chains;Parachains: independent chains that can have their own tokens and be optimized for specific use cases;Parathreads: similar to parachains but with flexible connectivity based on an economical pay-as-you-go model;Bridges: allow parachains and parathreads to connect and communicate with external blockchains like Ethereum.", "longName": "Polkadot" }, { "publishTime": 1548864000000, "currencyAmount": "160.38K", "mtime": 1701684600000, "publishAmount": "160.38K", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2019/01/31", "coinSymbol": "WBTC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701684600000, "id": 16, "shortName": "WBTC", "introduction": "Wrapped Bitcoin is a tokenized version of Bitcoin (BTC) that runs on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain.WBTC is compliant with ERC-20 — the basic compatibility standard of the Ethereum blockchain — allowing it to be fully integrated into the latter’s ecosystem of decentralized exchanges, crypto lending services, prediction markets and other ERC-20-enabled decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.WBTC is also backed by Bitcoin at a 1:1 ratio via a network of automatically monitored merchants and custodians, ensuring that its price is pegged to Bitcoin at all times and allows users to transfer liquidity between the BTC and the ETH networks in a decentralized and autonomous manner.Wrapped Bitcoin was first announced on October 26, 2018, and officially launched on January 31, 2019.", "longName": "Wrapped Bitcoin" }, { "publishTime": 1504368000000, "currencyAmount": "19.57M", "mtime": 1701684787000, "publishAmount": "21.00M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2017/09/03", "coinSymbol": "BCH", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701684787000, "id": 17, "shortName": "BCH", "introduction": "Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that aims to become sound global money with fast payments, micro fees, privacy and larger block size. As a permissionless, decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin Cash requires no trusted third parties.Bitcoin Cash was created as an alternative to the first and most valuable cryptocurrency — Bitcoin (BTC). In 2017, BCH developers modified the BTC code, releasing their software version and a full-fledged competitive product, which split Bitcoin into two blockchains: Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin Cash is a result of a hard fork in the blockchain due to differences in the community over Bitcoin scaling and the SegWit upgrade. Moreover, another hard fork, which divided Bitcoin Cash into two parts, Bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin SV, took place in the fall of 2018.The scaling debate involved two sides: small block supporters opposed increasing block size as it could lead to blockchain centralization and vulnerability by making it harder to host full nodes. Large block supporters, however, advocated for a faster solution, concerned that rising transaction fees could hinder growth.", "longName": "Bitcoin Cash" }, { "publishTime": 1596211200000, "currencyAmount": "589.59T", "mtime": 1701684931000, "publishAmount": "589.59T", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2020/08/01", "coinSymbol": "SHIB", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701684931000, "id": 18, "shortName": "SHIB", "introduction": "SHIB is the main token of the Shiba Inu ecosystem, bringing the power of a decentralized, community-led currency to millions across the globe. Since its inception in late 2020, the Ethereum-based SHIB token has grown to become a worldwide phenomenon, and is now accepted as a form of payment at hundreds of locations, either directly or through third-party intermediaries.Shiba Inu coin was created anonymously in August 2020 under the pseudonym "Ryoshi." Ryoshi says about himself that he is a nobody and not important and that the efforts to unmask his identity, even if successful, would be underwhelming.This meme coin quickly gained speed and value as a community of investors was drawn in by the cute charm of the coin paired with headlines and tweets from personalities like Elon Musk and Vitalik Buterin. Vitalik Buterin was long believed to be the originator of Shiba Inu, but denied such rumors on the Lex Fridman podcast on June 5, 2021.Since release SHIB now trades on the ecosystem''s proprietary DEX, ShibaSwap.On Sept. 17, 2021, Coinbase, the largest U.S.-based crypto exchange, listed Shiba Inu on their platform. This news caused Shiba Inu price to rise by over 40% in the following two days, bringing the meme dog token into the spotlight again", "longName": "Shib Inu" }, { "publishTime": 1484668800000, "currencyAmount": "556.84M", "mtime": 1701685045000, "publishAmount": "1.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2017/01/18", "coinSymbol": "LINK", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701685045000, "id": 19, "shortName": "LINK", "introduction": "Founded in 2017, Chainlink is a blockchain abstraction layer that enables universally connected smart contracts. Through a decentralized oracle network, Chainlink allows blockchains to securely interact with external data feeds, events and payment methods, providing the critical off-chain information needed by complex smart contracts to become the dominant form of digital agreement.The Chainlink Network is driven by a large open-source community of data providers, node operators, smart contract developers, researchers, security auditors and more. The company focuses on ensuring that decentralized participation is guaranteed for all node operators and users looking to contribute to the network.", "longName": "Chainlink" }, { "publishTime": 1318435200000, "currencyAmount": "73.94M", "mtime": 1701685160000, "publishAmount": "84.00M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2011/10/13", "coinSymbol": "LTC", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701685160000, "id": 20, "shortName": "LTC", "introduction": "Litecoin (LTC) is a cryptocurrency that was designed to provide fast, secure and low-cost payments by leveraging the unique properties of blockchain technology.To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of Litecoin.The cryptocurrency was created based on the Bitcoin (BTC) protocol, but it differs in terms of the hashing algorithm used, hard cap, block transaction times and a few other factors. Litecoin has a block time of just 2.5 minutes and extremely low transaction fees, making it suitable for micro-transactions and point-of-sale payments.Litecoin was released via an open-source client on GitHub on Oct. 7, 2011, and the Litecoin Network went live five days later on Oct. 13, 2011. Since then, it has exploded in both usage and acceptance among merchants and has counted among the top ten cryptocurrencies by market capitalization for most of its existence.The cryptocurrency was created by Charlie Lee, a former Google employee, who intended Litecoin to be a "lite version of Bitcoin," in that it features many of the same properties as Bitcoin—albeit lighter in weight.", "longName": "Litecoin" }, { "publishTime": 1598889600000, "currencyAmount": "588.18M", "mtime": 1701685280000, "publishAmount": "1.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2020/09/01", "coinSymbol": "UNI", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701685280000, "id": 21, "shortName": "UNI", "introduction": "Uniswap is a popular decentralized trading protocol, known for its role in facilitating automated trading of decentralized finance (DeFi) tokens.An example of an automated market maker (AMM), Uniswap launched in November 2018, but has gained considerable popularity this year thanks to the DeFi phenomenon and associated surge in token trading.Uniswap aims to keep token trading automated and completely open to anyone who holds tokens, while improving the efficiency of trading versus that on traditional exchanges.Uniswap creates more efficiency by solving liquidity issues with automated solutions, avoiding the problems which plagued the first decentralized exchanges.In September 2020, Uniswap went a step further by creating and awarding its own governance token, UNI, to past users of the protocol. This added both profitability potential and the ability for users to shape its future — an attractive aspect of decentralized entities.", "longName": "Uniswap" }, { "publishTime": 1451577600000, "currencyAmount": "377.65M", "mtime": 1701685543000, "publishAmount": "", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2016/01/01", "coinSymbol": "ATOM", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701685543000, "id": 22, "shortName": "ATOM", "introduction": "In a nutshell, Cosmos bills itself as a project that solves some of the “hardest problems” facing the blockchain industry. It aims to offer an antidote to “slow, expensive, unscalable and environmentally harmful” proof-of-work protocols, like those used by Bitcoin, by offering an ecosystem of connected blockchains.The project’s other goals include making blockchain technology less complex and difficult for developers thanks to a modular framework that demystifies decentralized apps. Last but not least, an Interblockchain Communication protocol makes it easier for blockchain networks to communicate with each other — preventing fragmentation in the industry.Cosmos’ origins can be dated back to 2014, when Tendermint, a core contributor to the network, was founded. In 2016, a white paper for Cosmos was published — and a token sale was held the following year. ATOM tokens are earned through a hybrid proof-of-stake algorithm, and they help to keep the Cosmos Hub, the project’s flagship blockchain, secure. This cryptocurrency also has a role in the network’s governance.", "longName": "Cosmos" }, { "publishTime": 1559318400000, "currencyAmount": "474.95M", "mtime": 1701685693000, "publishAmount": "1.96B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2019/06/01", "coinSymbol": "FIL", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701685693000, "id": 23, "shortName": "FIL", "introduction": "Filecoin is a decentralized storage system that aims to “store humanity’s most important information.” The project raised $205 million in an initial coin offering (ICO) in 2017, and initially planned a launch date for mid-2019. However, the launch date for the Filecoin mainnet was pushed back until block 148,888, which is expected in mid-October 2020.The project was first described back in 2014 as an incentive layer for the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), a peer-to-peer storage network where users pay for data storage and distribution services in $FIL. Filecoin is open protocol and backed by a blockchain that records commitments made by the network’s participants, with transactions made using FIL, the blockchain’s native currency. The blockchain is based on both proof-of-replication and proof-of-spacetime.Filecoin is open-source and decentralized, which means that all governance is in the hands of the community. On the Filecoin platform, developers have the opportunity to create cloud file storage services like Dropbox or iCloud. Anyone can join Filecoin and start storing their data or earn money by providing space for someone else''''s funds. The creators of Filecoin opted for their blockchain technology to run the network and their token with their own consensus.$FIL is the native currency of Filecoin that powers the entire network and all processes. Clients pay for transactions in FIL tokens. Miners place FIL as collateral, guaranteeing their services.The developers claim that Filecoin solves the problem of inefficient file storage and retrieval. Customers can find the right solution with an efficient set of tools and its core development, IP", "longName": "Filecoin" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "890.05M", "mtime": 1701685796000, "publishAmount": "1.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "LDO", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701685796000, "id": 24, "shortName": "LDO", "introduction": "Lido DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) which provides staking infrastructure for multiple blockchain networks.Most notably, the platform provides a liquid staking solution for Ethereum, allowing users to stake their ETH and receive stETH (Lido staked ETH) tokens in exchange, which represent the user''s staked ETH and staking rewards.Lido DAO is secured by a mix of decentralized governance, audited code and smart contracts. The Lido protocol runs on Ethereum with help from smart contracts that process user deposits and distribute staking rewards, among other functions. Several third-party security firms have audited Lido’s smart contracts in order to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.The platform’s native token is LDO - which also serves as the governance token for Lido DAO. Holders can participate in governance proposals and vote on key decisions such as board adjustments, new integrations and platform updates. LDO holders have the right to determine the development and operation of the platform.Lido currently supports staking for Ethereum and Polygon only with the recent sunsetting of Solana", "longName": "Lido DAO" }, { "publishTime": 1679500800000, "currencyAmount": "1.27B", "mtime": 1701685904000, "publishAmount": "10.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2023/03/23", "coinSymbol": "ARB", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701685904000, "id": 25, "shortName": "ARB", "introduction": "Arbitrum is an Ethereum layer-two (L2) scaling solution. It uses optimistic rollups to achieve its goal of improving speed, scalability and cost-efficiency on Ethereum. Arbitrum benefits from the security and compatibility of Ethereum. Another benefit is the higher throughput and lower fees compared to Ethereum. That is made possible thanks to moving most of the computation and storage load off-chain.Arbitrum’s native token is called ARB and is used for governance. Offchain Labs, the developers behind Arbitrum, announced the shift to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) structure — the Arbitrum DAO. ARB holders can vote on proposals that affect the features, protocol upgrades, funds allocation and election of a Security Council.Arbitrum has an ambitious roadmap for 2023, which includes: Launching its own layer-three solution called Orbit; Enabling developers to deploy programs written in popular programming languages like Rust, C++, and more using Stylus; Expanding its validator set to include more independent institutional validators; Moving its protocol to layer two with Arbitrum One.On March 16, 2023, Arbitrum announced their highly anticipated airdrop of ARB. The token will be airdropped to early users and DAOs building on Arbitrum, with 12.75% of the total supply to be distributed. Recipients were rewarded on a point-based system depending on their interaction with the Arbitrum network until a cutoff date of March 1, 2023. The token generation event is on March 23, 2023.", "longName": "Arbitrum" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "14.66M", "mtime": 1701686027000, "publishAmount": "16.00M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "AAVE", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701686027000, "id": 26, "shortName": "AAVE", "introduction": "Aave is a decentralised non-custodial liquidity market protocol where users can participate as suppliers or borrowers. Suppliers provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralised (perpetually) or undercollateralised (one-block liquidity) fashion.", "longName": "Aave" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "9.32B", "mtime": 1701686118000, "publishAmount": "10.78B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "GRT", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701686118000, "id": 27, "shortName": "GRT", "introduction": "The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying data for networks like Ethereum and IPFS, powering many applications in both DeFi and the broader Web3 ecosystem. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL to retrieve blockchain data. There is a hosted service in production that makes it easy for developers to get started building on The Graph and the decentralized network will be launching later this year. The Graph currently supports indexing data from Ethereum, IPFS and POA, with more networks coming soon.To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of The Graph.To date, over 3,000 subgraphs have been deployed by thousands of developers, for DApps like Uniswap, Synthetix, Aragon, AAVE, Gnosis, Balancer, Livepeer, DAOstack, Decentraland and many others. The Graph usage has been growing at over 50% MoM and hit over 7 billion queries during the month of September 2020.The Graph has a global community, including over 200 Indexer Nodes in the testnet and more than 2,000 Curators in the Curator Program as of October 2020. To fund network development, The Graph raised funds from community members, strategic VCs and influential individuals in the blockchain community including Coinbase Ventures, DCG, Framework, ParaFi Capital, CoinFund, DTC, Multicoin, Reciprocal Ventures, SPC, Tally Capital and others. The Graph Foundation also successfully completed a public GRT Sale with participation from 99 countries (not including the U.S.). To date as of November 2020, The Graph has raised ~$25M.", "longName": "The Graph" }, { "publishTime": 1512057600000, "currencyAmount": "918.48K", "mtime": 1701686397000, "publishAmount": "977.63K", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2017/12/01", "coinSymbol": "MKR", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701686397000, "id": 28, "shortName": "MKR", "introduction": "Maker (MKR) is the governance token of the MakerDAO and Maker Protocol — respectively a decentralized organization and a software platform, both based on the Ethereum blockchain — that allows users to issue and manage the DAI stablecoin.Initially conceived in 2015 and fully launched in December 2017, Maker is a project whose task is to operate DAI, a community-managed decentralized cryptocurrency with a stable value soft-pegged to the US dollar.MKR tokens act as a kind of voting share for the organization that manages DAI; while they do not pay dividends to their holders, they do give the holders voting rights over the development of Maker Protocol and are expected to appreciate in value in accordance with the success of DAI itself.The Maker ecosystem is one of the earliest projects on the decentralized finance (DeFi) scene: the industry that seeks to build decentralized financial products on top of smart-contract-enabled blockchains, such as Ethereum.", "longName": "Maker" }, { "publishTime": 1304179200000, "currencyAmount": "2.10B", "mtime": 1701686617000, "publishAmount": "3.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2011/05/01", "coinSymbol": "SAND", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701686617000, "id": 29, "shortName": "SAND", "introduction": "Launched in 2011 by Pixowl, The Sandbox is a blockchain-based virtual world allowing users to create, build, buy and sell digital assets in the form of a game. By combining the powers of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the Sandbox creates a decentralized platform for a thriving gaming community.According to the official whitepaper, the Sandbox platform’s main mission is to introduce blockchain technology in mainstream gaming successfully. The platform focuses on facilitating a creative “play-to-earn” model, which allows users to be both creators and gamers simultaneously. The Sandbox employs the powers of blockchain technology by introducing the SAND utility token, which facilitates transactions on the platform.", "longName": "The Sandbox" }, { "publishTime": 1580486400000, "currencyAmount": "1.89B", "mtime": 1701686804000, "publishAmount": "2.19B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2020/02/01", "coinSymbol": "MANA", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701686804000, "id": 30, "shortName": "MANA", "introduction": "Decentraland (MANA) defines itself as a virtual reality platform powered by the Ethereum blockchain that allows users to create, experience, and monetize content and applications.In this virtual world, users purchase plots of land that they can later navigate, build upon and monetize.Decentraland was launched following a $24 million initial coin offering (ICO) that was conducted in 2017. The virtual world launched its closed beta in 2019 and opened to the public in February 2020. Since then, users have created a wide range of experiences on their parcels of LAND, including interactive games, sprawling 3D scenes and a variety of other interactive experiences.Decentraland uses two tokens: MANA and LAND. MANA is an ERC-20 token that must be burned to acquire non-fungible ERC-721 LAND tokens. MANA tokens can also be used to pay for a range of avatars, wearables, names, and more on the Decentraland marketplace.Decentraland (MANA) is a decentralized virtual world platform with software based on the Ethereum blockchain, where users create, test and monetize content. In short: users buy virtual plots of land as NFTs with MANA tokens on the Decentraland platform. Progress in the game depends only on players themselves, their efforts and their imagination.The digital platform is completely owned by its users. Within the Decentraland metaverse, participants can explore the virtual world, purchase plots of land that can be monetized, create works of art, own non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and take part in a decentralized autonomous organization of the platform Decentraland DAO. Due to the DAO, the community influences the development vector of the project.", "longName": "Decentraland" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "132.04M", "mtime": 1701686918000, "publishAmount": "270.00M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "AXS", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701686918000, "id": 31, "shortName": "AXS", "introduction": "Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based trading and battling game that is partially owned and operated by its players.To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of Axie Infinity.Inspired by popular games like Pokémon and Tamagotchi, Axie Infinity allows players to collect, breed, raise, battle and trade token-based creatures known as Axies.These Axies can take various forms, and there are more than 500 different body parts available, including aquatic, beast, bird, bug, plant and reptile parts. Parts from each type class come in four different rarity scales: common, rare, ultra rare and legendary — and Axies can have any combination of body parts, making them highly variable and often rare and unique.Each Axie is a non-fungible token (NFT) with different attributes and strengths and can be entered into 3v3 battles, with the winning team earning more experience (exp) points that are used to level up an Axie''s stats or evolve their body parts. These Axies can be bred together to produce new and unique offspring, which can be used or sold on the Axie marketplace.The Axie Infinity ecosystem also has its own unique governance token, known as Axie Infinity Shards (AXS). These are used to participate in key governance votes and will give holders a say in how funds in the Axie Community Treasury are spent", "longName": "Axie Infinity" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "368.59M", "mtime": 1701687155000, "publishAmount": "1.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "APE", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701687155000, "id": 32, "shortName": "APE", "introduction": "ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token used within the APE Ecosystem to empower and incentivize a decentralized community building at the forefront of web3.ApeCoin holders govern themselves via the decentralized governance framework controlling the ApeCoin DAO, and vote on how the ApeCoin DAO Ecosystem Fund should be used. The APE Foundation administers proposals agreed upon by ApeCoin holders.ApeCoin is a decentralized project inspired by Yuga Labs’ Bored Ape Yacht Club project. ApeCoin was founded to be used within the burgeoning APE Ecosystem, which is supported by the APE Foundation. The ApeCoin DAO aims to build and maintain the APE Ecosystem in a fair and inclusive way, providing an infrastructure for ApeCoin holders to collaborate through open and permissionless governance processes.An administrative council within the APE Foundation (the “Board”), will carry out the decisions of ApeCoin DAO members. The Board is responsible for the day-to-day administration, bookkeeping, project management, and other tasks that ensure the Community’s ideas have the support they need to become a reality. ApeCoin DAO members vote on Board members.", "longName": "ApeCoin" }, { "publishTime": 1625587200000, "currencyAmount": "229.92M", "mtime": 1701687266000, "publishAmount": "250.00M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2021/07/07", "coinSymbol": "BONE", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701687266000, "id": 33, "shortName": "Bone", "introduction": "Bone ShibaSwap (BONE) is the ShibaSwap decentralized exchange (DEX) governance token with voting functionality. BONE allows the Shiba Inu community, also known as Shib Army, to vote on upcoming proposals, submit proposals and access future NFTs. The more BONE tokens users have, the more significant their votes are.BONE is the Ethereum-based token in the Shiba ecosystem, including Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Doge Killer (LEASH) tokens. According to the Shiba Inu website, SHIB is the "Dogecoin (DOGE) killer." Due to its popularity, the project is the second-largest dog-inspired memecoin in the crypto space.The ShibaSwap exchange was launched on July 7, 2021 to allow platform users to trade their SHIB tokens for other cryptos. BONE is a middle link in the ecosystem. On ShibaSwap, SHIB holders provide liquidity for BONE reward tokens. Users can stake tokens to earn rewards. Rewards depend on the amount and duration of the staked tokens.", "longName": "Bone ShibaSwap" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "9.50T", "mtime": 1701687401000, "publishAmount": "9.94T", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "FLOKI", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701687401000, "id": 34, "shortName": "FLOKI", "introduction": "Floki (FLOKI) is the people''s cryptocurrency and the utility token of the Floki Ecosystem. It is a cryptocurrency birthed by fans and members of the Shiba Inu (SHIB) community and is inspired by (and named after) Elon Musk’s Shiba Inu.Musk is a prominent fan of Dogecoin, although he publicly denied owning any SHIB. Floki Inu is working on “four flagship utility projects:”An NFT gaming metaverse called ValhallaA suite of decentralized finance products launched under the "FlokiFi" umbrella.An NFT and merchandise marketplace called FlokiPlacesA content and education platform called University of FlokiThe community calls itself the “Floki Vikings” in honor of Floki (Musk’s dog) that was named after a Viking character. Floki vows to take its community efforts seriously and has been listed several times in the Top 10 of LunarCrush’s social engagement leaderboards. Floki has also partnered with leading crypto projects that include Chainlink, Trader Joe, ApeSwap for its FlokiFi Locker digital asset locker protocol.Floki is also sometimes referred to by some as "Floki Inu"", "longName": "FLOKI" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "106.31K", "mtime": 1701687559000, "publishAmount": "107.56K", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "LEASH", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701687559000, "id": 35, "shortName": "LEASH", "introduction": "Doge Killer (LEASH) is a token in the Shiba Inu (SHIB) ecosystem. Shiba Inu is commonly referred to as the “Dogecoin (DOGE) killer” because of its enormous popularity. SHIB grew to become the second-largest canine-inspired coin in the crypto space and aims to be the Ethereum (ETH)-based counterpart to Dogecoin’s Scrypt-based mining algorithm. Besides LEASH, there is also Bone ShibaSwap (BONE), another dog coin that is part of the Shiba universe, which can be traded on its own ShibaSwap decentralized exchange (DEX).LEASH, BONE and SHIB are all part of the dog coin avalanche that has taken the crypto space by storm in 2021. Other examples of dog-themed coins are Baby Dogecoin (BabyDoge), Drunkdoge (DRUNK), JINDO INU (JIND), Alaska Inu (LAS), and Alaskan Malamute Token (LASM).", "longName": "Doge Killer" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "44.27B", "mtime": 1701687682000, "publishAmount": "100.00B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "SAITAMA", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701687682000, "id": 36, "shortName": "SAITAMA", "introduction": "Saitama is an ERC-20 (Ethereum) token that can be purchased through decentralized and centralized exchanges. In June 2022, the Saitama token contract was upgraded to enhance security and performance features that will ensure its longevity and sustainability. So far 55% of the token supply has been burned, leaving 45 billion tokens in circulation, with liquidity locked for 2 years until June 2024.", "longName": "Saitama" }, { "publishTime": 1506873600000, "currencyAmount": "1.49B", "mtime": 1701687796000, "publishAmount": "1.50B", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2017/10/02", "coinSymbol": "BAT", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701687796000, "id": 37, "shortName": "BAT", "introduction": "Basic Attention Token, or BAT, is the token that powers a new blockchain-based digital advertising platform designed to fairly reward users for their attention, while providing advertisers with a better return on their ad spend.To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of Basic Attention Token.This experience is delivered through the Brave Browser, where users can watch privacy-preserving adverts and receive BAT rewards for doing so. On the other hand, advertisers can deliver targeted ads to maximize engagement and cut down losses due to ad fraud and abuse.The Basic Attention Token itself is the unit of reward in this advertising ecosystem, and is exchanged between advertisers, publishers and users. Advertisers pay for their advertising campaigns in BAT tokens. Out of this budget, a small portion is distributed to advertisers, while 70% is distributed to users — whereas the intermediaries that typically drive up advertising costs are cut out of the equation to improve cost-efficiency.", "longName": "Basic Attention Token" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "25.76T", "mtime": 1701688012000, "publishAmount": "25.76T", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "UFO", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701688012000, "id": 38, "shortName": "UFO", "introduction": "UFO Gaming is a decentralized gaming platform with play-to-earn elements, NFTs, and DeFi functionality like staking. Its first game is Super Galactic, an RPG/arcade action game with its own NFT collection combined with an auto battler. UFO Gaming is built on Ethereum, but its games are integrated with Immutable X, a layer-two scaling solution for NFT projects on Ethereum.Players can participate in UFO Gaming by minting playable characters in the form of NFTs called UFOeps. This is done by farming the in-game utility points called Plasma Points with the native UFO token. With UFOeps, players battle against a hostile alien race in a scavenged world to defend world peace and tranquility while earning rewards for completing daily quests. UFOeps can also be leveled up and later sold on the UFO Gaming marketplace.After completing its launch phase in Q3 2021, UFO Gaming is currently in its growth phase and listing on different exchanges and launching partnerships. In the future, the developers plan an expansion phase that will see the launch of its marketplace, breeding between different NFTs, the introduction of virtual land, and the release of its first game Super Galactic. This will be followed by the launch of a metaverse, a partnership reveal with a game studio, new games, and a DEX integrated with the platform.", "longName": "UFO Gaming" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "4.32T", "mtime": 1701688150000, "publishAmount": "4.96T", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "CULT", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701688150000, "id": 39, "shortName": "CULT", "introduction": "CULT is the tradable and liquid token of CULT DAO, transacting CULT will contribute to the protocol by filling the DAO treasury slowly, to fund investments into decentralised technologies. This is achieved due to a 0.4% collection on all CULT transactions.CULT, once staked into the Cult DAO, becomes dCULT. dCULT is just the “proof of stake token” for CULT. When you stake your CULT into the DAO, you are given dCULT, this can be swapped back at any time into the amount of CULT you staked originally, plus any rewards that were given to the DAO in the time period you owned dCULT.Cult DAO and its funding process is completely decentralized. It cannot be stopped. As long as there are people transacting with CULT, Guardians putting forward proposals, and users voting, Cult DAO will continue to fund revolutionaries, decentralization advocates and those willing to break the chains of society.", "longName": "Cult DAO" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "1.00T", "mtime": 1701688250000, "publishAmount": "1.00T", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "SUZUME", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701688250000, "id": 40, "shortName": "SUZUME", "introduction": "Shita-kiri Suzume (Suzume) is based on the traditional Japanese fable about a story of the tongue-cut sparrow. This story is based around the moral lessons of greed, friendship, and jealousy. Suzume is an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain and launched on August 3rd, 2022. Suzume is currently publicly available for trade. The intention of Suzume is to be a decentralized community-powered project and is centered around the meme token sphere of cryptocurrency pioneered by the likes of Doge and Shiba for mass adoption. To achieve a true decentralized project, there is no head of operations, entity or person that has sole custody of Suzume. The liquidity for Suzume has been burned and there is no tax function.", "longName": "Shita-kiri Suzume" }, { "publishTime": null, "currencyAmount": "", "mtime": 1701688344000, "publishAmount": "10.00M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "", "coinSymbol": "JNGL", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701688344000, "id": 41, "shortName": "JNGL", "introduction": "$JNGL powers the Jungle Labz ecosystem, consisting of Supreme Kong and 3 other collections that were initially rugged by previous team back in April 2022. The organization was taken over by new ownership and has risen to Top 75, now in 2023 on the ETH blockchain, with millions in secondary volume, operated by its holders.$JNGL is a solution that alleviates the fatigue we have been feeling in existing markets. There is no ecosystem token that the people truly own, they are all owned by VCs. Many coins are diluted in value and don''t have fair distribution amongst its participants leading to speculative sell pressure.For over a year now the Jungle Labz ecosystem has simulated the launch of $JNGL by first launching $KONG an off-chain token first and building an ecosystem and utilities around it. After developing this ecosystem with multiple iterations, now is the prime time to launch our ERC-20.Main-Utilities Membership; Owning $JNGL gives you full access into all the benefits Jungle Labz offers its holdership.Micro-transactional; You can spend your $JNGL on multiple things: Upgrading NFT metadata, Raffle dapp, $JNGL MarketplaceUpgrading NFT Metadata; Leveling SystemTokenomics are Designed with burn mechanics, gamification, and growth in mind", "longName": "Jungle Labz" }, { "publishTime": 1635350400000, "currencyAmount": "44.85M", "mtime": 1701903381000, "publishAmount": "100.00M", "officialUrl": "", "publishTimeStr": "2021/10/28", "coinSymbol": "BLUESPARROW", "langKey": "en_US", "blockchainUrl": "", "ctime": 1701903381000, "id": 42, "shortName": "BlueSparrow", "introduction": "BlueSparrow is the native token of the BlueBit Centralized exchange and BlueVinci NFT marketplace. It provides various benefits to its holders, including an enhanced trading experience, reduced fees, and staking opportunities.BlueSparrow is the premier native token of the BlueBit Centralized exchange and its extension, the BlueVinci NFT marketplace. This section will explore the various advantages and benefits of BlueSparrow, highlighting its role as a cornerstone of the BlueBit platform.BlueSparrow serves as a utility token within the BlueBit platform. As our services continue to expand and attract a growing user base, the demand for BlueSparrow is expected to rise. This increasing demand has the potential to drive the long-term value appreciation of BlueSparrow. By holding BlueSparrow, you become an integral part of the platform''s success and can benefit from its evolving business", "longName": "BlueSparrow Token" } ], "symbol_profile": 1, "is_more_position": 0, "index_layer_open": 0, "is_open_upload_img": "0", "newcoinOpen": "0", "is_deposit_open": 0, "trade_depth_is_flash": "0", "fiat_open": 0, "lever_open": 1, "is_newcoin_project_entrance": 0, "is_enforce_google_auth": 0, "has_trade_limit_open": 0, "limitCountryList": [], "phoneCodeGlobal": {}, "footerTemplateReceived": true, "interfaceSwitch": 1, "defaultCountryCode": "+86", "countryObj": { "list": [ { "value": "Afghanistan +93", "code": "+4", "keyCode": "+93" }, { "value": "Albania +355", "code": "+8", "keyCode": "+355" }, { "value": "Algeria +213", "code": "+12", "keyCode": "+213" }, { "value": "American Samoa +684", "code": "+16", "keyCode": "+684" }, { "value": "Andorra +376", "code": "+20", "keyCode": "+376" }, { "value": "Angola +244", "code": "+24", "keyCode": "+244" }, { "value": 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